Shetland Clay Target Club - Results 02/04/17
Scores report from Ewan Johnson
Well today we had 2 shoots, first was a Olympic Trap Scottish team qualification shoot then a Highlands and Islands DTL qualification shoot, scores as follows.
Olympic Trap Ex 100
1st - Ewen Johnson - 21,22,23,24 = 90
2nd - Bryan Sutherland - 21,23, 21, 20 = 85
3rd - Alan Moar - 18, 20, 21, 20 = 79
4th - John Magnus Laurenson - 20,19, 21,19 = 79
5th - Peter Davies - 20,16,20,19 = 75
Highlands & Islands DTL
Scored kills out of 25 with 3 points for a first barrel kill and 2 for a second. Total points to count. Max score 100/300
1st= John Magnus Laurenson - 24/66, 25/69, 25/72, 25/74 = 99/281
1st= Ewen Johnson - 25/72, 25/73, 23/67, 24/69 = 97/281
3rd Alan Moar - 24/70, 25/74, 22/65, 24/68 = 95/277
4th Darren Leslie - 23/66, 24/71, 24/70, 23/67 = 94/274
5th Bryan Sutherland - 23/67, 23/65, 24,69, 23/69 = 93/270
6th Kevin Gray - 23/64, 22/64, 23/67, 23/67 = 91/262
7th Jim Work - 21/61, 22/59, 19/53, 25/72 = 87/245
8th Peter Davies - 22/62, 23/63, 20/56, 22/62 = 87/243
9th Ross Work - 19/53, 22/62, 23/67, 21/60 = 85/242